No, this is not a post about schadenfreude. This post is to assure you that some nights, dinner in my home looks like this:

As an owner of a small business, I think a lot about success. What does success mean? That answer is different for everyone.
For some, it’s about keeping the doors open and lights on. Or it’s about making enough fistfuls of cash to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Or it’s about feeling contentment.
The ladies of the substantive new podcast, Pop Fashion, recently got me thinking on this topic again.
And then Lauree of Simply Leap proposed that perhaps winners fail more than anyone because they’re actually putting themselves out there and trying new things.
For all of you dear readers (there are 12 of you, right?) who might be feeling less-than-successful, here’s what I know: Success is NOT never failing.
While I usually post great recipes or ideas, there are times when I’ve posted some real misses.
Cadbury Creme Egg Cookies – They got hard and stuck to my teeth.
Cadbury Creme Egg Milkshake – Couldn’t taste the creme egg.
Deep-Fried Cadbury Creme Egg – But then I deep fried the creme eggs and they were completely awesome! Redemption!
Coffee Cake Muffins – After several fails, I succeed! (And even learned something along the way.)
And those are only the failures I’ve blogged about! There are many more, I assure you. Many.
Keep trying new things. New recipes. New adventures. And when you find something you love, keep at it. Perfect it. Make it yours.
If you’re not a failure, too, shoot, you ain’t even trying!
What are your proudest moments of failure and what did you learn from them?