What are you looking forward to in 2011? Do you set goals for yourself personally and/or professionally at the beginning of the year? We find that writing down our goals helps to make them less like dreams and more like action items. So let’s get the year started on a positive note.
Here’s a snapshot of what’s on our radar for the coming months:
– Eating well during pregnancy is priority #1. Making an effort to continue my healthy eating habits is important. Samantha’s “guilt free” philosophy is a positive influence on me! I don’t overdo it with sugar or sodium, and I’m incorporating more vegetables and fiber into my daily meals. At the same time, if I want a piece of chocolate or the occasional snack-sized bag of Doritos, I don’t beat myself up for it. Indulging here and there to feed a craving or desire is a great reward for eating nutrient-rich, balanced meals the rest of the time.
– Meet more chefs! Over the past year, we’ve expanded Every Food Fits to include chef interviews in addition to sharing the recipes and nutrition info that got us started with blogging. Who would you like to see profiled on Every Food Fits? Please recommend your favorite chefs and food business owners in the Washington, D.C., and Baltimore region!
– Calories in, calories out. I know the mantra, and it’s high time I get back on the yoga mat and out on the sidewalk with the dog. After a first trimester filled with essential afternoon naps during cold fall and winter days, it’s hard to get back into an exercise routine.
– Trialing more “new to me” recipes. My collection of “to try” recipes grows larger by the day, so it’s high time I roll up my sleeves, put on my apron and get cookin’. With the myriad of amazing food blogs alone, I could be collecting recipes more than actually cooking!
– Reading, reading, and more reading. When it comes to nutrition news, research emerges frequently and staying current requires daily diligence. To maintain some balance and provide less brain work, I’ll look for opportunities to read for leisure, too. Celebrity gossip anyone?
– Continuing to be intentional about family meal times. With two young kids, family meals are essential, but also challenging to put into action week to week. In feeding kids, the how is just as important, if not more so, that the what. You’ll be hearing more from us on this topic.
– Being active with others. As a family, we enjoy being together outdoors, and are looking to step up our commitment to regular walks, bike rides, and other fun exercise. Involving others, whether family or friends, is a great incentive to stay motivated, especially before the warmer weather arrives.
We’d love to hear from you – comments, suggestions, ideas for future posts. Leave a comment below or contact us at everyfoodfits@gmail.com
Such good advice, and your baby will thank you for it, Stacey. (And you’ve got to start him/her early on loving chocolate like the rest of us!)
[…] and choose new directions. To catch up with our previous goal postings, the original can be found here, and the first quarterly update […]
[…] as we did in 2011, we’ll follow up with quarterly progress reports regarding our goals – and we’d like to hear […]